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Muda Mathis and Sus Zwick

Muda Mathis and Sus Zwick


Die Erfindung der Welt und alles andere, Videoinstallation, Foto-
Installation, Mathis/ Zwick, TANK, Basel in 2024

Vage Elemente Werkstatt, Installation Single Channel Video, Leuchtkasten
Paare, Mathis/ Zwick, Kobo Art Space Zürich in 2023

La danse furieuse Part III, 3-Kanal Videoinstallation, Sus Zwick,
Kaskadenkondensator Basel in 2020

L’univers de Germaine, Mehrteilige Videoinstallation, Mathis/ Zwick und
Hipp Mathis in 2018

Kunsthaus Baselland, Kunstmuseum Thurgau Kartause Ittingen in 2019

Mein Haus - deine Arme - unserer aller Schlaf, My House - Your Arms -
Our Own Sleep, Mehrteilige Video-, Lichtbild-, Foto-Installation, Mathis/ Zwick, Nicolas Krupp Contemporary Art, Basel in 2017

Tinguely Museum, Basel 2018

Bioskop Balkan, Belgrad in 2019

Olga und Olga und die koreanische Grossmutter, Zwei-Kanal
Videoinstallation, Mathis/ Zwick in 2014

Kunstraum Kreuzlingen, Ausstellungsraum Klingental Basel in 2014

Tischlein deck dich, Fotoserie, Mathis/Zwick, Galerie Z, Chur in 2014

Danse furieuse Part II, Acht-Kanal Videoinstallation, Sus Zwick, Kasko Basel in 2011

Das unsichtbare Licht, 11-Kanal Audioinstallation, Fränzi Madörin, Muda
Mathis und Sus Zwick Kunsthalle Arbon in 2010

Blume wie ein Haus gedacht, Videoinstallation, Mathis/ Zwick, Blumensaft,
Kunst Raum, Riehen in 2008

Monts et Merveilles, Sechs-Kanal Videoinstallation, Madörin/ Mathis/ Zwick,
Kunstmuseum, Olten, Plug-In, Regionale, Basel 2003

Bad, Videoprojektion, Mathis/ Zwick, Kunsthof, Zürich in 2002

Das Paradies, Videoinstallationen, Mathis/ Zwick, Kunsthalle Winterthur,
Loeffler Museum, Kosice, Slowakei, Kartause Ittingen 2001


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About Muda Mathis and Sus Zwick

Muda Mathis:Muda Mathis studied at the F+F School for Experimental Design in Zurich, at the Sigurd Leeder School of Dance in Herisau, and as part of the audiovisual design class founded by René Pulfer at the Basel School of Design in 1985.

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Muda Mathis:Muda Mathis studied at the F+F School for Experimental Design in Zurich, at the Sigurd Leeder School of Dance in Herisau, and as part of the audiovisual design class founded by René Pulfer at the Basel School of Design in 1985. She has taught performance and media at the

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Works by Muda Mathis and Sus Zwick
Extra product
Our Own Sleep

Video with sound,
14 minutes

Express Interest
Extra product
Aim to Role The Golden Landscape Of Feminism Series

Digital Print,
51.1 x 40.5 Inches

Express Interest
Extra product
Dignity The Golden Landscape Of Feminism Series

Digital Print,
51.1 x 40.5 Inches

Express Interest
Extra product
Definition The Golden Landscape Of Feminism Series

Digital Print,
51.1 x 40.5 Inches

Express Interest

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