"Sprouting Beads" - Grosvenor & Vadhera Art Gallery’ London.
"Jelly With Nuts", HK Art Fair, With Lattitude 28.
"It clots", Kalakriti art gallery, Hyderabad.
Group Exhibitions
"Revisions on the Surface", Gallery Dotwalk, Gurgaon in 2022-23.
"In the Blink of an Eye", Gallery Dotwalk, Gurgaon in 2022.
"Tracingechoes", Project88, Mumbai, Organized by Project 88 in 2022.
The Art of India, Gujarat Organized by Times Art Fest in 2022.
"Quarantime",Works shown online at website of gallery Studio 4 in 2021.
Curated free online art course for 8thto12th std students, organized by Grain Ed Educational Trust Whole course and works done during the course are available at the website of GrainEd in 2021.
"Brokenfoot",an online show, Works displayed online in 2020.
"Collab", an online show, 2019 Works shown online at the website of Sakshiart gallery.
Workshop taken at village called Erangalin Madh(Mumbai) with students of Sea college of architecture (Borivali) in 2019.
Works displayed in Sea college of architecture (Borivali).
ParticipatedinArtcamp,organisedbyJawaharDardaTrust in 2019.
Works in privatecollection
ParticipatedinArtcamp,organisedbyHarshGoenka in 2019. Works in privatecollection
"DhamapurTalav", MIT college, Pune in 2019.
Conducted long term,site specific work and workshop at DhamapurTalav(Kudal, Kokan) DhamapurTalav(Kudal, Kokan) in 2018.
Biennale’,organised by Saffron and Kochi Biennale Saffron Art gallery, Dadar in 2017.
"Liminal space", curated by Anupa Mehta Kochi Biennale in 2016.
"The thing of beauty", curated by Anupa Mehta Loft, Lower Parel in 2016.
Launching of game,Snake and ladder(Kokannagar, Bhandup), in collaboration with Shivani, RevtaiShah and AmodKarkhanis. Kalakritiart gallery, Hyderabad in 2016.
Launching of game,Snake and ladder(Kokannagar, Bhandup), in collaboration with Shivani, RevtaiShah and AmodKarkhanis. Kalakritiart gallery, Hyderabad in 2016.
Delhi Art fair with "Loft", Lower Parel Delhi Art Fair in 2016.
"Times celebrates Bandra festival" curated by Art Oxygen Bandra, Mumbai in 2015.
Geography of consumption, site specific work, curated by MohileParikh Centre. Site –KokanNagar, Bhandup, Mumbai in 2015.
"Memoir", show curated by AnupaMehta, Loft,Lower Parel, Mumbai in 2015.
"Inbox", show curated by George Martin, Shrishtiart gallery, Hyderabad in 2015.
Show coordinated by JohnyM.L Pune Biennale in 2015.
"Being in her shoes", coordinated by Kalakritiart gallery Kalakritiart gallery, Hyderabad in 2015.
"Dissonance –Transgressed boundaries between fear and desire", show curated byIsinOnoland JesalThakkar. Percept art gallery, Lower Parel Mumbai in 2015.
"Contemporary contingencies", show curated by Kathaleen Wyma OED, Cochin in 2014.
Camp organisedby SajalHeda. Kenya in 2013.
"Cynical Love: Life In The Everyday", curated by Gayatri Sinha Kiran Nadar Museum of Art (KNMA), Noida in 2012.
"Fragile", Curated by Malini. Gallery 1 X 1, Dubai.
Camp Organisedby Art Chennai at Kodaikanalby Sanjay Tulsiyani, Art Chennai, Kodaikanal in 2011.
"ART DUBAI", ArtFair Dubai(VadehraArt Gallery) in 2009.
ARCO, curated by Bose Krishnamachary London Art Fair(VadehraArt Gallery) in 2009.
"AvantGarde", Guild Art Gallery, New York in 2009.
New York Art Fair New York.(VadheraArt Gallery) in 2007.
Group of Female from South Asia Gallery Barry Keldoulis, Australia Curated by Bose Paciaand Peter Nagy in 2006.
Art Festival 2006 Kaleidoscope, Baroda.
Fine Art Competition FundacoOriente, Punji, Goa in 2006.
Speed Braker Triveni Sangam, Delhi by Apolo Apparao in 2002.
Monsoon Show Jahangir Art Gallery, Mumbaiin 2001.
50 years of Independence Sr. J. J. School of Art, Mumbai in 1997.
Prajakta was born and brought up in Mumbai. People around her have always been a subject of her interest. Being a student of portraiture, she has a habit of observing and absorbing details of the experience she gets. Corners of home and suburbs of
Prajakta was born and brought up in Mumbai. People around her have always been a subject of her interest. Being a student of portraiture, she has a habit of observing and absorbing details of the experience she gets. Corners of home and suburbs of the city attract her. Organically grown bastis, gavthans, villages and children are subject of her interest.
Along with her regular studio practice she likes to work with children. She has a fear of loosing the visual references accumulated in all these experiences. Painting happens in the studio with the collective memories, existing time and with available material. She likes to work in acrylic colour as it binds her to the colours she sees in real life. She likes to paint on manjarpat as it reminds her of the decors she sees around her .She enjoys her space in the studio where her experiences and observations transform into the inner body of painting. She tries to observe these moments' transformation. She feels it's all about stretching that moment.
The artist lives and works in Mumbai
Prajaktha completed her Bachelor’s degree in painting from the Sir J.J.School of Art, Mumbai,in 2000. She did her Master’s degree in portraiture from the same institute, in 2003.
Young Artist Award by NGMA (Mumbai) in 2006.
KAWA Award by NGMA (Mumbai) in 2006.
Merit Certificate - State Art Exhibition, Nagpur in 2002.
Finalist- Fundaco Oriente, Punji, Goa in 2003.
Merit Certificate - State Art Exhibition, Nagpur in 2002.
Consolation Prize in Annual Show - Sir. J. J. School of Art, Mumbai in 2001.
Prajakta was born and brought up in Mumbai. People around her have always been a subject of her interest. Being a student of portraiture, she has a habit of observing and absorbing details of the experience she gets. Corners of home and suburbs of the city attract her. Organically grown bastis,
Prajakta was born and brought up in Mumbai. People around her have always been a subject of her interest. Being a student of portraiture, she has a habit of observing and absorbing details of the experience she gets. Corners of home and suburbs of the city attract her. Organically grown bastis, gavthans, villages and children are subject of her interest.
Along with her regular studio practice she likes to work with children. She has a fear of loosing the visual references accumulated in all these experiences. Painting happens in the studio with the collective memories, existing time and with available material. She likes to work in acrylic colour as it binds her to the colours she sees in real life. She likes to paint on manjarpat as it reminds her of the decors she sees around her .She enjoys her space in the studio where her experiences and observations transform into the inner body of painting. She tries to observe these moments' transformation. She feels it's all about stretching that moment.
The artist lives and works in Mumbai
Prajaktha completed her Bachelor’s degree in painting from the Sir J.J.School of Art, Mumbai,in 2000. She did her Master’s degree in portraiture from the same institute, in 2003.
Young Artist Award by NGMA (Mumbai) in 2006.
KAWA Award by NGMA (Mumbai) in 2006.
Merit Certificate - State Art Exhibition, Nagpur in 2002.
Finalist- Fundaco Oriente, Punji, Goa in 2003.
Merit Certificate - State Art Exhibition, Nagpur in 2002.
Consolation Prize in Annual Show - Sir. J. J. School of Art, Mumbai in 2001.
Solo Exhibitions
"Solo II ", Vadhera Art Gallery, Delhi in 2007.
Kitab Mahal, Mumbai in 2007.
"Tiny Corer", Gallery Beyond, Mumbai in 2005.
"Sprouting Beads" - Grosvenor & Vadhera Art Gallery’ London.
"Jelly With Nuts", HK Art Fair, With Lattitude 28.
"It clots", Kalakriti art gallery, Hyderabad.
Group Exhibitions
"Revisions on the Surface", Gallery Dotwalk, Gurgaon in 2022-23.
"In the Blink of an Eye", Gallery Dotwalk, Gurgaon in 2022.
"Tracingechoes", Project88, Mumbai, Organized by Project 88 in 2022.
The Art of India, Gujarat Organized by Times Art Fest in 2022.
"Quarantime",Works shown online at website of gallery Studio 4 in 2021.
Curated free online art course for 8thto12th std students, organized by Grain Ed Educational Trust Whole course and works done during the course are available at the website of GrainEd in 2021.
"Brokenfoot",an online show, Works displayed online in 2020.
"Collab", an online show, 2019 Works shown online at the website of Sakshiart gallery.
Workshop taken at village called Erangalin Madh(Mumbai) with students of Sea college of architecture (Borivali) in 2019.
Works displayed in Sea college of architecture (Borivali).
ParticipatedinArtcamp,organisedbyJawaharDardaTrust in 2019.
Works in privatecollection
ParticipatedinArtcamp,organisedbyHarshGoenka in 2019. Works in privatecollection
"DhamapurTalav", MIT college, Pune in 2019.
Conducted long term,site specific work and workshop at DhamapurTalav(Kudal, Kokan) DhamapurTalav(Kudal, Kokan) in 2018.
Biennale’,organised by Saffron and Kochi Biennale Saffron Art gallery, Dadar in 2017.
"Liminal space", curated by Anupa Mehta Kochi Biennale in 2016.
"The thing of beauty", curated by Anupa Mehta Loft, Lower Parel in 2016.
Launching of game,Snake and ladder(Kokannagar, Bhandup), in collaboration with Shivani, RevtaiShah and AmodKarkhanis. Kalakritiart gallery, Hyderabad in 2016.
Launching of game,Snake and ladder(Kokannagar, Bhandup), in collaboration with Shivani, RevtaiShah and AmodKarkhanis. Kalakritiart gallery, Hyderabad in 2016.
Delhi Art fair with "Loft", Lower Parel Delhi Art Fair in 2016.
"Times celebrates Bandra festival" curated by Art Oxygen Bandra, Mumbai in 2015.
Geography of consumption, site specific work, curated by MohileParikh Centre. Site –KokanNagar, Bhandup, Mumbai in 2015.
"Memoir", show curated by AnupaMehta, Loft,Lower Parel, Mumbai in 2015.
"Inbox", show curated by George Martin, Shrishtiart gallery, Hyderabad in 2015.
Show coordinated by JohnyM.L Pune Biennale in 2015.
"Being in her shoes", coordinated by Kalakritiart gallery Kalakritiart gallery, Hyderabad in 2015.
"Dissonance –Transgressed boundaries between fear and desire", show curated byIsinOnoland JesalThakkar. Percept art gallery, Lower Parel Mumbai in 2015.
"Contemporary contingencies", show curated by Kathaleen Wyma OED, Cochin in 2014.
Camp organisedby SajalHeda. Kenya in 2013.
"Cynical Love: Life In The Everyday", curated by Gayatri Sinha Kiran Nadar Museum of Art (KNMA), Noida in 2012.
"Fragile", Curated by Malini. Gallery 1 X 1, Dubai.
Camp Organisedby Art Chennai at Kodaikanalby Sanjay Tulsiyani, Art Chennai, Kodaikanal in 2011.
"ART DUBAI", ArtFair Dubai(VadehraArt Gallery) in 2009.
ARCO, curated by Bose Krishnamachary London Art Fair(VadehraArt Gallery) in 2009.
"AvantGarde", Guild Art Gallery, New York in 2009.
New York Art Fair New York.(VadheraArt Gallery) in 2007.
Group of Female from South Asia Gallery Barry Keldoulis, Australia Curated by Bose Paciaand Peter Nagy in 2006.
Art Festival 2006 Kaleidoscope, Baroda.
Fine Art Competition FundacoOriente, Punji, Goa in 2006.
Speed Braker Triveni Sangam, Delhi by Apolo Apparao in 2002.
Monsoon Show Jahangir Art Gallery, Mumbaiin 2001.
50 years of Independence Sr. J. J. School of Art, Mumbai in 1997.
"Sprouting Beads" - Grosvenor & Vadhera Art Gallery’ London.
"Jelly With Nuts", HK Art Fair, With Lattitude 28.
"It clots", Kalakriti art gallery, Hyderabad.
Group Exhibitions
"Revisions on the Surface", Gallery Dotwalk, Gurgaon in 2022-23.
"In the Blink of an Eye", Gallery Dotwalk, Gurgaon in 2022.
"Tracingechoes", Project88, Mumbai, Organized by Project 88 in 2022.
The Art of India, Gujarat Organized by Times Art Fest in 2022.
"Quarantime",Works shown online at website of gallery Studio 4 in 2021.
Curated free online art course for 8thto12th std students, organized by Grain Ed Educational Trust Whole course and works done during the course are available at the website of GrainEd in 2021.
"Brokenfoot",an online show, Works displayed online in 2020.
"Collab", an online show, 2019 Works shown online at the website of Sakshiart gallery.
Workshop taken at village called Erangalin Madh(Mumbai) with students of Sea college of architecture (Borivali) in 2019.
Works displayed in Sea college of architecture (Borivali).
ParticipatedinArtcamp,organisedbyJawaharDardaTrust in 2019.
Works in privatecollection
ParticipatedinArtcamp,organisedbyHarshGoenka in 2019. Works in privatecollection
"DhamapurTalav", MIT college, Pune in 2019.
Conducted long term,site specific work and workshop at DhamapurTalav(Kudal, Kokan) DhamapurTalav(Kudal, Kokan) in 2018.
Biennale’,organised by Saffron and Kochi Biennale Saffron Art gallery, Dadar in 2017.
"Liminal space", curated by Anupa Mehta Kochi Biennale in 2016.
"The thing of beauty", curated by Anupa Mehta Loft, Lower Parel in 2016.
Launching of game,Snake and ladder(Kokannagar, Bhandup), in collaboration with Shivani, RevtaiShah and AmodKarkhanis. Kalakritiart gallery, Hyderabad in 2016.
Launching of game,Snake and ladder(Kokannagar, Bhandup), in collaboration with Shivani, RevtaiShah and AmodKarkhanis. Kalakritiart gallery, Hyderabad in 2016.
Delhi Art fair with "Loft", Lower Parel Delhi Art Fair in 2016.
"Times celebrates Bandra festival" curated by Art Oxygen Bandra, Mumbai in 2015.
Geography of consumption, site specific work, curated by MohileParikh Centre. Site –KokanNagar, Bhandup, Mumbai in 2015.
"Memoir", show curated by AnupaMehta, Loft,Lower Parel, Mumbai in 2015.
"Inbox", show curated by George Martin, Shrishtiart gallery, Hyderabad in 2015.
Show coordinated by JohnyM.L Pune Biennale in 2015.
"Being in her shoes", coordinated by Kalakritiart gallery Kalakritiart gallery, Hyderabad in 2015.
"Dissonance –Transgressed boundaries between fear and desire", show curated byIsinOnoland JesalThakkar. Percept art gallery, Lower Parel Mumbai in 2015.
"Contemporary contingencies", show curated by Kathaleen Wyma OED, Cochin in 2014.
Camp organisedby SajalHeda. Kenya in 2013.
"Cynical Love: Life In The Everyday", curated by Gayatri Sinha Kiran Nadar Museum of Art (KNMA), Noida in 2012.
"Fragile", Curated by Malini. Gallery 1 X 1, Dubai.
Camp Organisedby Art Chennai at Kodaikanalby Sanjay Tulsiyani, Art Chennai, Kodaikanal in 2011.
"ART DUBAI", ArtFair Dubai(VadehraArt Gallery) in 2009.
ARCO, curated by Bose Krishnamachary London Art Fair(VadehraArt Gallery) in 2009.
"AvantGarde", Guild Art Gallery, New York in 2009.
New York Art Fair New York.(VadheraArt Gallery) in 2007.
Group of Female from South Asia Gallery Barry Keldoulis, Australia Curated by Bose Paciaand Peter Nagy in 2006.
Art Festival 2006 Kaleidoscope, Baroda.
Fine Art Competition FundacoOriente, Punji, Goa in 2006.
Speed Braker Triveni Sangam, Delhi by Apolo Apparao in 2002.
Monsoon Show Jahangir Art Gallery, Mumbaiin 2001.
50 years of Independence Sr. J. J. School of Art, Mumbai in 1997.